Pressure Relief Valve Technology: Safety RAT

E3 is your premium source for pressure relief valve technology. Consult our experts for our Safety RAT today.

Your Source for High Pressure Relief Valves

At any frac site, employee safety should be the top priority. In the past, protecting against overpressure events (OPEs) meant settling for outdated technology and excessive maintenance costs. This led to a demand for new types of pressure relief valves. With Safety RAT (Relief Automation Technology), E3 Company has established a new standard for pressure relief and safety.

With state-of-the-art electronic and hydraulic controls unit and actuated ball valves, Safety RAT enables an immediate response and relief of potential OPEs without manual human interaction. Accurate, reliable, and durable, Safety RAT is a cost-effective solution for increasing safety.

Features of Adjustable Pressure Relief Valve Technology

E3’s pressure relief valve technology provides the following key features:

  • Three independent 0–30,000 PSI transducers reading 100 samples/sec
  • User-friendly remote control and monitoring capability
  • Treating pressure settings can be adjusted in the data van quickly and safely
  • Can be calibrated from the data van within minutes

Safety RAT Applications

Our pressure relief valve technology has industry-leading applications. Single and dual RAT units are available to rent through Touch Screen RHMI:

  • Independently set release pressure points and close-in pressures
  • Can be used to release pressure above a desired set pressure from both sides at the same time, increasing the volume of release

Key Benefits of Safety RAT

Our pressure relief valve technology is designed to keep your team safe. Below are the benefits of Safety RAT:

  • Reduced NPT: E3 provides the best pressure relief valve technology to reduce overall NPT.
  • Increased safety: Remotely controlled valve action eliminates human exposure to danger zones.
  • Increased response: Valves can be opened in less than 0.4 seconds.
  • Boosted accuracy: Our solution reacts to pressures within +/- 0.5%.
  • Reduced operating costs: The average cost per job is 50% less than traditional equipment.

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Pressure Relief Valve Technology

E3’s Relief Automation Technology (RAT) revolutionizes pressure relief valve technology by providing an automated, hands-free solution in hydraulic fracturing. RAT continuously monitors and manages pressure levels to prevent overpressure events. This ensures a safer environment without the need for personnel to manually intervene in the high-risk process of pressure control.

Unlike traditional pressure relief valve systems, RAT offers a comprehensive and automated approach. It goes beyond responding to overpressure events; it anticipates and mitigates issues, maintaining optimal pressure levels throughout hydraulic fracturing operations. This minimizes downtime, enhances efficiency, and reduces the risk of accidents associated with pressure fluctuations.

RAT technology has significantly elevated safety and reliability in hydraulic fracturing. Its automated operation eliminates the need for manual intervention in pressure control processes, reducing the risk of human error and enhancing overall safety. With a proven track record of handling overpressure events without a single failure, RAT instills confidence in operators and ensures a secure and efficient environment.

Contact the Pressure Relief Experts at E3

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